Thursday, September 11, 2014


1.1 ( Fauna and Flora )

By tooth and claw the rampage of spilling

that dripped filled coffins of humanity

there amidst the parapets the mighty

opened at the drawing of the spigots

fauna and flora flowing in streams

bloodied the rivers grinded on the field

and soaked the limbs of innocence of trees

bowed down before the arms of infamy

and bled from every orifice and ear

torrential as the pageantries of rage

as death longing for death sought enemies

and forced to eat from agony, they creak,

their mighty trunks of diadems of glee

and sacrifice of innocence  to gore

The spigots of the bloodied branch and leaves

their roots stewed in the avaricious greed

besetting what was once a forest green

and as green as was a palace supreme

that even tiny animals were free,

safe, secure, and happy as honeybees,

how strewn with anxious torment at their feet,

while tiny as the aphid once believed

in hope by its great majesty and glee

had now become an aching memory.

The world aghast perceived atrocities

with the bitter sentiments of greatness

presaged once had never yet acquired

for in its origins delicate seeds

had burned with knowing future sense of steeds

Equine madness harnessed by its Zeitgeist.

To rampage with sorties, artilleries

as bomblettes mayhemed the smallest enemies.

What had a child to do with rages?

But grow from a mother’s womb’s aegis?

Still this alone was crime’s imp unity.

To draw together child and evil

as though the one without the other lived!

Pound them harder yet, announced the Chieftain.

Let them know they’re unwanted and feral.

No Life has the right to bear desire.

Pounding Pounding Pounding was all there was.

Monday, September 8, 2014


“Originality begins from where we are” NWT

The eyes which speak a language of their own

like two vessels that voyaged world and soul

and from the temple of a sage is crowned

vision woven of cloth became two wholes

The tongues along the palettes dance along

retrieve from present hours, future love,

wake from the sleeping hours a moment

turn back the tide of time to long ago

nothing of compassion is ever lost

yet hours are not hours for their own

while they exist for centuries alone

making by their making original

a mind performs a fountain of its form
imagined in the candlelight’s own force

Sunday, September 7, 2014


A day arrived in ribbon-tied sunlight

that had hovered a giant in darkness

and glowed twice by power of its harness

a star a star by any other light

So that where you to ask it where it comes from

the orb would simply explode from the fun

by enormous nomenclature a pun

a child who asks while wondering-- Who?

Who made the mountain has made no mountain

making is the reduction of ounces

the mysteries of mysteries announce

immeasurable’s immeasurably boundd

and a voice a measuring instrument

which expresses itself in a moment

Saturday, September 6, 2014


--whereas the sea is circled and sways, WCW

Beautifully the sun in its last touches

gathers tumultuous what it has strewn

filigree flowers cast on the threshold

bouquet of sunset and bouquet of love

whatever can qualify your awe’s reach

introduced astride the momentous scene

as waves go ashore yellow daisies swarm

whose petals arouse the clouds from their thoughts

evanescent beauty of the surface

grows on the darling horizon alive

the sea on its stem erases its trace

inverting the hourglass in the sand

vase that was broken never existed

time in a capsule reverses itself.