Sunday, June 29, 2014

To a Nut

THough I am not Emily Dickinson 
I fathom what she might say of a nut.
Its Cavernous soliloquy compact
A library of cabinets of books
They form two walls between the mind to climb
A tree of Pixels bent in circle Eyes.
What I saw there looked back at me kind kin 
Surrounded with the odd amusement Sin. 

Departs the silence that becomes music 
Harbored in eternal sanctuary
All for hope of mystery bound and born
In simple oval resonant chambers.
that harder than the heart the head beheld
to commit to penance an example.

 (ROUGH DRAFT Ode to E.D.)

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Freedom From Truth

I gather them in my memories shine
They speak joyfuly of their challenges
Those things they set out to do with themselves
My goodness, I am so proud of you child!”

Did you know I had dreamt of you before?
You come to me criminalized I see
The jails are built   the prisons exceed
Lost out on your innocence all for what?

Yet what you know more you know best as well.
There is nothing I can teach you you know.
You sit there and ponder the shadows glow
I am here and creating a scandal?

I have seen this doesn’t even matter
and the Question doesn’t appear either

Oda al Doctor en Clamor de Paz

Cuantas veces hay que morir Doctor?

Usted que ha hecho todo lo Posible

Paz no se Ofrece, Al Que Quiere,

Es el titulo de un Libro, Leelo

En esas hojas, las de mi Maestro

El Pediatra y Poeta Williams

Fue el que me hacer aqui Llorar

Su verso fue libro y mio no

No me atrevo a encargarme de Vidas.

Esas naci a partir no soy Heroe

Soy Soneto traigo a Maestra

De Las Pazes soy su sirvienta

Busca en tus Horas del Destino

Fue llamado haCia este Momento

Thursday, June 26, 2014

I To Sing America Sing Sorrows

-- I, too, Sing L.H.

I am not the Poet this isn't a Line

What it is is a Mystery to Me

Always has been--Quit buzzing-- Oh poetry!

You who have wept with the Greatest and Climbed

Up to Mt Olympus or Macondo

What is the difference, mi paisano?

While you fear the Sublime shadow's Curtain

I stand for what mattered to Heroines

Fearful Courage! and Defeated Triumph!

The losses weren't worth their Sacrifice

And lost to those Reason the Albatross

Dear Poem, I curse you with Life as I am

Don't stand there pretending not to Notice

I to Sing America Sing Sorrows

Ode to Auden

The master is peaceful at home in time

It neither passes unacknowledged nor

does it awaken the conscience but mimes

from the ether world as cradles a horse

the spirit of beauty leaps up its force

and steers far away from the torturer

Come to me, bard, lay claim my heart

It wants nothing of once again always

but to be slayed by passion of goodness

and anoint with singing of mystery

if design exists in a thing so small

a verse is of a much ampler form

I will build inside its soul my own form

and beauty will attend its arrival

Ode to W.B. Yeats

I come to you Master as in my Youth.

For you who had warned with Futility

What happens when singing schools Multiply

They gain for the Gyre what it would Not

Distorted with the Passion of Season

Blast the roots of the Roses with Wreckage

Anatomy ground down on a Pestle.

The Falconer cannot hear the Falcon

It no longer Lurches but has Arrived

Your Prophecy of the Second Coming

How Ruinous is Beauty to Ruin

Twice worse than a sonnet of Disaster

Silence bestirred the Goodness of Gladness

While Might became inured by its Madness

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Love Flowers

The robe of the Bishop not flowers
divides at the hem and disappears
beckons to history and to tears
but left without a sound or a care

the ringing of the bells doesn't hear
nor woe of a woman living in fear
onus after onus will appear
while the father looks on from his chair

hasn't been around now for centuries
though succor haphazardly  is earned
like I am and must be a poet
no matter what price I pay for it

though I never asked is inherent
the crown on each finger of anguish
and make subordinate by verses
the forces of spring of kindred spirit

bringing by their annoyance a rhythm
break it whether you know how to or not
and shadows let them fall as they do.
take heed my subject and sonnet listen

Falter when it comes to violent end

toward the original intent bend.

Agendragon Misculs

How easy it is to love Enemies

You care that they learn how to handle Life

Yet it is not for nothing the Furies

Eases the Day from the Evening makes Shine

Most of what is lost is automated

While Winners are Discrete and make small Sounds

The contender is worried about volume.

How much for whom and by whom will be Paid.

Just the thought off it creates Politics

Offset by Internecine Exculpas

So the means never left any for Ends

Yet you still say you Despising Greatness

That it doesn’t have a Chance on these Streets.

After the Introduction who would Stay

But the Agenda and the Minutae

Saturday, June 21, 2014


How the secrecy wars led to the refugee crisis
is how the terribablists wanted things
first item evidence is docterine
for literal as thumb tacks are sharpened
the point is a diadem of facia
equal parts to its elucidation
as it veers toward the sunlight and plunges
and answered with bloodful revenges claws
who doesn't know the law is illegal
from here all the way to Raskolnikov
Crime and Punishment into the endzone
As forever has terms and conditions
the knowledge of apples from the descent
gave Adam the power of Eden

Union of Peace

When unity calls peace takes position
while some take advantage of the release
and surrender to failures again
Meanqhile quotes Chomsky and Schlovsky
But forgets there's nothing new in the mix
The union of all numbers is greater
than what has no meaning's triter than trite
only honor can fix what is broken
The rest keep on going Caterpilers
No reason to stand still and see  Rose
For it's lost its perfume has no more scent.
One third of it for the chivalrous fold
And two halves of the precious third portion.
The immigration agent wears his robe

Peace Lion

Peace is not a cessation of conflict
Peace is an active meditation rite
Enjoyed and partaken is decisive
Beneath it are torment's disastrous ticks
The never ending horizon at bay
while daffodils dance under cloud layers
Still peace is aware of no happiness
Only the long expectant interlude
The seeming appearance of tomorrow
Unheeded and Unknown future hours
Still peace sits as still as a Lion Mare
She is both a protector and hunter.
Her tail and her broad joints and jaw
The musculature of her spine and legs

Friday, June 20, 2014

Peace Fall

When you want to say something you've felt it

All along it was shrouded in mystery

it waited for your audience to speak

It would have to be a message of sort

For it urges itself forward with will

As though it were broken by a mandate

A thorough recognition facing life

The inherent inception of that force

In itself is no more a perception

Of everything that will come to happen

As surely as something is not nothing

Then by that passage and with this prescience

The word is the phrase of the word's grammar

Ambidextrously, announcements of nouns

Taken upon themselves to get it done.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Begin to Be

A bell, a dish, and a flower image

Placed all together around a table

Which fuses the time, place, and hourglass

As teacup is a reversal of sage

When was Warmed and turned to liquid essence

A Circle is drawn as we’re drawn in it.

Inhabiting the surface it is in

Like two halves that don’t match still emulate

What seems is what was made as possible

That has no author is a material

Bound all together and insubstantive

Have worth when no other is similar

To be is not to be all but being

It is to become, be still, and begin

Life Song

Song with your wonder Song with your Beauty

Sing as though nothing compares to these Lines

Bring from out of their memory the Time

The birdless birds as their singing enflames

And songs drawn from one song drawn from all Songs

The universe is itself a song too

Its Multiples are multitudes so too

Song belongs to all of us as we Know

It is neither for itself what to Us.

We are its material it our Source

Smaller than song there is nothling but Love

More mysterious than it its power

It is simpler than it is existence

Everything that was became nothing since.

Heart Rose

I Am The Voice of The Rose’s Heartsong

I am born of Love’s Virtuosity

Draped over with Purple or Blue speckles,

and Small as are the Strings of Sorrow Yet

It is Beatifuller than a Leaf’s Gold

The enough of it scatters a Lullaby

and lays down its head as to die slowly

but hesitates its destruction it Holds  

when suddenly as it braves fearlessnes

is crownd as a thorn full of blissest best

Love is a force of its gentlest strengths

crafted of  cuts that are Threaded sheening

I was not a Rose to speak of at all

I am neither one now nor be one will

Chantilly Chair

As the chair sits it sits down on its legs

The squared frame of its back forms a pattern
Auster toned wood reminding of a church,

and a likely very serious guest.

The chair embodies her stern qualities

and as a group that gathers around her

as eager for enterprise as for art

Certainly, darling, my dye it is Cast

Of sterling veneer and official sense

sheer perceptibly doubtful of reason

which needs to make itself ransom to bonds

an Empire at once is an instinct

There can be no greater power concedes

but to its confectious fertility

Skysong Blue Roses Red

The Blue of the Sky casted in Marble

faith adorned with the power of all faith

No bit of Sadness prevails remains

the more moistearned soils of earthern loam

audience to the music it becomes

Love is alive by internal rhythm  

glowing in the light of past memory

capture as an image newed by the dawn

A rose is a principle of beauty

as the harmony of life is foreheld,

the circumference of the stars example

alive in its life alive with its life

for keeping as forms in tact while it slept

to awaken and to be awakened

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Concha y Arco

Resucitame hace me de Nuevo

Aroja la Mar Placer y Deseo 

Las Nubes Tropicales Rojeo

Tinto de la Tinta Estrofaro 

La Concha de mi Destino Arroja

De los Colores de las Victorias

Que alcanzen en un porvenir haz

Hecho por Amor Hecho de La Paz

Hasta donde no se siente Uir

Y Escaparse de lo Principal 

Poema quien sabes del Misterio

Lo mas grande forma Interior

Y lo mas pequeno suma el Todo

Triste de ser Arco Triunfador         

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Discontent of Youth Censorship

The Discontent of the Youth Censored
By Unions By Overlords By Judges
Who cast out the Bathwater, Babies, Tubs.
While smaller than their Voices went Unheard
The Cries of the TruthTellers and Dreamers
The spelling Nerds, the lil Princesses,
Their Toughened Exterior Smiles Drawn
The Boyz, Girlz, Teen Mamas and their Boyfriends
Each one was bemused with their Quandaries
To speak is all they wanted with Bodies.
To March and To Shout and To Be Manied,
Grown Larger Together than any Sound.
All Rhetoric tossed out the Windowds.
Metrics Engorged Rapacious Philanders.

Two Elsie

--Somehow/It seems to destroy us, WCW, 1923

Nearing the Lake as it too condenses

Two bodies surrender to the closeness

One is wholly of water in its depths

as The other is water-covered skin

As the car rolls the nearness is approached

The larger the distance the smaller grows

Up ahead it is ample and glowing

Suspended in the heat of September

Is passage of time gone to its splendor

Oh how the chances of doom and daring

have commenced as their wick its burning

Wild and roaming adventure spirit

As great and as small proportionate force

One reproduces the other allures.

June Bloom

June Bloom

For June Bloom is a time of Fruition

and when the distance draws back and reflects

it happens upon something like dense flecks

the leaves in position of remonstrance

alive were the moments of life’s questions

they neither were answered nor forsaken

but cling as as certain as always throng

they gather they cluster they diminish

before there were preceded with finish

their inertia so innocent they blend

the wild poppies with their faces flushed

there is no where there  as where as when

but beginnings are mysterious ends

without equivocation precedent

Adam Afterward

The Lament of Adam

After the nakedness what could be lost?

What was its treasure     if not a conscience?

Time started its watch of the existence.

What had been was gone of all innocence.

It permanently was removed at once

Nor could it suspect it was vulnerable

That for one simple rule it was shattered

Blasted to misrecognized after lives

Nothing original remained of use

Without mercy it shadowed suspicion

And brought forward evidence of lustre

Rather than rebellion or adventure

As soon as the Leaf fell it turned to Earth

It became what it was of the Future

jessic nccoy's code word for peaunt is lester 
the naem she says her husbs has for me and she shares
laco train floodings
black opcotpus

Sweet Song of Innocence , Dulce Cancion

She walks into the juice shop cafe

with her arms hugging around her laptop

she just keeps on moving arousing faith

glowing in her radiant atmosphere

suddenly the nervousness falls aside

a leader is a leader in essence

one among many begin to ascend

like a leaf as it turns toward the sun

there is not another option again

as a cycle moves past its descension

another awakens and imagines

there is nothing as sweet as a sweet one

a person is a song of innocence