Monday, February 5, 2018


Hicks over anxious such as us, A. I.
We succor the truth or caught liyin.
Who started the rumors a-quaking
Who answered for others who saved a paycheck?

You who are watching by virtue timely
Make known who it is who disguises
Wisdom for Science and in Quotients
Engineers take a bite of the apple

Theory adjacent not subordinate
Lyric for batteries of squirrels.
Crossing the page I notice something
There are letters before me and after me.

Google from Stanford out to the Mass Bay
The druthers in bars baking window panes

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Marquez and Putin

Marquez and Putin agree to agree
where disparate factions speak compromise
absolute artists differentiate
succumbing to faulty aftermath squeezes
the cinch of heaven and earth in asides
a venture into madness despairing
as a phrase of its dominion and sighs
magic is everywhere listen with distance
provide the opportunity for tense
a long beginning and eventual rest
but how to render meaning from the quest
a cauldron aptitude for burrowing
discourse afters hour smoking habit
two long eared rabbits and an alphabet