Monday, April 20, 2015


 Tonight the evening placid and pleasing
so peaceful and so full of mystery
time expands and ignites smiles or weeps
as time, space, distance revolve as it sings
If life is just one thing life is a dance
it wraps itself round centrifugal force
of intersecting circles of movements
as the evening is passing of a torch
The ground absorbing darkness as it warms
from under the floor or out on the street
under the brush outside of my window
earth, stone, root, soil, and mineral pour
the content of energy and time stored
all of its travels and every tour.


Tonight the evening placid and pleasing
so peaceful and so full of mystery
time expands and ignites smiles or weeps
as time, space, distance revolve as it sings
If life is just one thing life is a dance
it wraps itself round centrifugal force
of intersecting circles of movements
as the evening is passing of a torch
The ground absorbing darkness as it warms
from under the floor or out on the street
under the brush outside of my window
earth, stone, root, soil, and mineral pour
the content of energy and time stored
all of its travels and every tour.

Monday, April 6, 2015


The Gadfly as Company, the Liver,,
Prometheus endures his Curse and Longs
to Invent something New--far Greater Pain
that his thighs must have feltand his hamstrings
for to Fly once is to Fly Forever
just as Beauty at Once is Eternal
For it never Fades nor does it go Mute
The Spirit of a Loom made of LightRays
Has Little to Worry in the Darkness
Water to Drip from the Parchment Essence
As Water seeks Light and LIght seeks Water
balances equilibrium Matter

What Gadfly or Eagle doesn’t Love Truth
To Speak it and to Perceive it as Such?


Ancient acorn gatherers at the falls,
blessing the water wading in water.

Vanish from footprints deposit the arrow
for future and unknown familiars,

Those yet to be born and being born know
that this is their birthplace and their oak tree

It is all things future and past -- the wood--
portends of what may and might, and would’ve

Had the grandparents not loved as they loved
had they not made sacred observations

Abstract, hypothetical, sanctified,
seen: what didn’t they think of? The ancients?

There still is a time there are no fences
and only the wise can unbundle since.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


As Homer saw without seeing Beauty

Human leaves were shorn by Almighty Whim

No one might think otherwise or decay

for why Prometheus was gone away--

his wings molten yet flying nose first then

spiralling downward caught in his hubris

then Agamemnon arose with his Woes

for which no form but Epithet chose

He who laughs louder than all of us - Zeus -

after killing the Gods of his Ancients.

But Helen of course paces as anxious
now being a captive and symbol lust
of Warring as Unadventurous sports
of Slavers, Half-Gods, Cannibals and worse.

Friday, April 3, 2015


Good day, good morning, and good afternoon.

What has yet to be -- answer for me, look,

Above the clattering disasters’ doom

within the abundance of a moment

As though it were a Lamp made of Copper

and ornate as the lamp sent by Mother

from Cherry Valley to Arizona

where it was piled on top of a mountain

of energy plus matter and light strength

Four hundred miles away at Oak FLat

it Rang on the Earth Rang as it Landed

This is that Sound as Nameless and Sacred


C’est la belle de la Terre C’est la mem chose
Vous savez bien  - Vous - ne le regrettez
Je me conteste. Je suis Impotente.
La mer je regarde sans je ne sais quo.

Sur le plan je existe avec la existence.
Quell que il chose por il pensament
No parle pas de frances il pa de accent
Porquoi je escrit quan til cest plus de profane

Je me repite: la mer ans sais quo
je le regarde avec la precaucion
le sacre de printemps le sacre de la lune
la adoracion de la terre voila

Le sacriface de l’ocean sur le sable
Le ceremonie de les anciennes