Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Just Sonnet

I think and thought about a thousand things.
And each with its full table of contents
as complete as each one to existence
how they came to be and are and still ring
with a growing permanence as certain
as memory will not make omissions
and fate is just a starting point of rhyme
when sound and sense combine and separate.

I think of what to do for the sonnet
that is to say I try to fulfill it
though it be unedited and written
by formula, I hope it is unique

I hope that it will be blessed as it is.
Unedited and unrevised justice.

Songbird Sonnet

The Songbirds are Singing their Lovely Notes.
Their Song is heard while these words are SIlent.
They pause and allow one Bird the Moment.
It chirps in descending volume then Ends
For a brief millisecond Disappears
Or, rather, grows Inaudible Slowly.
First the image subtracting from the Flock
Pairs duo then continue, a trio
Emerges before a Quartet Begins
Carefully everything is bent on Sound
Enjoying its fulcrum against the Air
Wind, reed, and fascicle, the Orchestra
Plays as it Would for a Rich Occasion
Dedicates its desire for the Noon.


The butterfly with its wisdom-wrought wings
the panels that display their symmetry
align with full destiny when flying
and place a flag of beauty in the sky.

Dyed with artful details, woven silk,
spread across one canvas two pains framing
that gather from the world its smallest inks
and dipped in that same inkwell is its felt.

An eye appears as though that it could see
to look on it is beauty seeing sight
as all of it is mystical it shines
delicate limbed tiny poultice tincture

To watch as beauty flies on beauty’s wings
or waits at most a moment in the leaves.


john-mccain-here-are-11-things-obama-should-do-about-ukraine-right-now.jpg (3778×2832)

Iran Contragate Two and the Vanguard
Which Ascertains itself Capable of Art
So to War is to each his own Forces
And Bloodshed the Power of Authorship

Consigned to a Mish Mash of Grim Motives
The ANswer to Everyman’s Aggression
The Plunder of Nothing for Certainsomes
Beyond in the Parchment Suppression Bomb

Purgatorial Offers Particle Sense
To Not Think at all is a Leisure Plan
Without limitation of Medium
One for One is a Common Equation

The Shoes that Rest on the Desk Crossed Ankle.
Diagonal like the X from the Y Key.

Monday, April 20, 2015


 Tonight the evening placid and pleasing
so peaceful and so full of mystery
time expands and ignites smiles or weeps
as time, space, distance revolve as it sings
If life is just one thing life is a dance
it wraps itself round centrifugal force
of intersecting circles of movements
as the evening is passing of a torch
The ground absorbing darkness as it warms
from under the floor or out on the street
under the brush outside of my window
earth, stone, root, soil, and mineral pour
the content of energy and time stored
all of its travels and every tour.


Tonight the evening placid and pleasing
so peaceful and so full of mystery
time expands and ignites smiles or weeps
as time, space, distance revolve as it sings
If life is just one thing life is a dance
it wraps itself round centrifugal force
of intersecting circles of movements
as the evening is passing of a torch
The ground absorbing darkness as it warms
from under the floor or out on the street
under the brush outside of my window
earth, stone, root, soil, and mineral pour
the content of energy and time stored
all of its travels and every tour.

Monday, April 6, 2015


The Gadfly as Company, the Liver,,
Prometheus endures his Curse and Longs
to Invent something New--far Greater Pain
that his thighs must have feltand his hamstrings
for to Fly once is to Fly Forever
just as Beauty at Once is Eternal
For it never Fades nor does it go Mute
The Spirit of a Loom made of LightRays
Has Little to Worry in the Darkness
Water to Drip from the Parchment Essence
As Water seeks Light and LIght seeks Water
balances equilibrium Matter

What Gadfly or Eagle doesn’t Love Truth
To Speak it and to Perceive it as Such?