Thursday, June 25, 2015


The pastel tint warmed in milk of the moon
woven from astros from oceans the loom
that it fulfills in its culmination
body to soul to everything fathom
the eggshell existence carapace home
as extends to its free freedom free form
and for that pure reason the purple blooms
like a bubble between waves of fusion
the unanswered question is an answer
absolutely anything appears One
as it nurtures a mirror opened Poem
sheer celestial heather heaven on Earth
flowering in the gifts of its Glory  


The sun blooms a petal blue elixir
seeing for itself the visible sky
looks along inside eye of the eagle
over the distance as vast it reveals

or races on the features of vision
The lens of a wing a the power pulls
and silence awakes a season of sound
past the past tense and into the lion

that crosses the mountain into its own
and roars of time eternal from hours
the flame as it venerates the fire
the living tree trunk of viscous bower

Lava that melts like the wax of the moon
distilled into starlight draped in the Sun.

Monday, June 22, 2015


A good day begins like everyday does.
Expecting the daylight to give us love.
We want good for others and through ourselves.
We hope to return by our force alone
To a New Dawn where suffering lessens.
It sparks a desire for more wakens
In the answers where mystery blossoms
An Echo of the sound of the sovereign
Who cultivates a sacred message song
This is a Good Day when Good Days are Gone.
Holy at Once is Holier Again.
The Pestle-Hearted stem of the Flower
Grows to the Earth against the Mouth of the Sun
And the Earth becomes a  Bulb of Absynthe.

Friday, June 19, 2015


Tears of My Fingertips Cry out for Sound.
They twist and turn in Anxious Grievances.
The Feeling of Life lost on Providence.
How Nothing can be Taken Back from Wounds.

What that Message tells me is not a Rose.
But the Vice of teh Thumb Screw its Horror.
The Plight of the Slave Freed and Recaptured.
Brought to Point Zero reminded of THorns

Sentimental Rose Water over Leaves.
The Greenig of the Season with Crosses.
Born Time and Again on those who Freed Us.
Who brought the Cheek of Forgiveness to Grief.

How it Hurts Me to Know how Little Love
Can Pass Over an Alltar so Beloved.


The paperclip binding the paper’s edge.
Reminds me of a poem I have written
And While crossing the Sonoran desert
A Roadside sign read something of eagles

I looked across the farm fields at the earth.
I saw the many hands at their labors.
I saw some birds as they emptied my heart..
Hearing with my eyes, their wings and feathers

A being “the edge of the eye” perceived
Something unknown of was making a sound.
As a birth cry of hate’s incubus moaned.
I told  the driver, he moved the mirror.

Saying something abotu keepint  Down.
But waht I had seen I could Not DIsown.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Evil is Certain not Impotent Yet
Its Bluffs crash down Impertinent Power
Without Precedence each time Again New.
How much Worse it can be, We all Know Well.

Thas Evil Grows Greater Bent Backlash Blues.
It Sates with Nothing but Dignity Rued.
Beauty in its Holy Sanctimony
Massacre of Grace where Grace had its Sources.

I  Know why Nobody Cries Anymore.
Why Shaking it Off is always All One.
FOrgiving Injustice for Forgetting
Evoking Hyperbole of Poems

Crying at Wailing Walls Falling on Knees
What can Sate Grace in Seasons of Bleeding?