Wednesday, October 21, 2015


For Alise  (Hermana , Sister)

A sister is a story and a song.
She sings alive as memory is strong.
Of things that only she and I would know.
For she is everything I am but more.

She is the only one I have of her.
Unlike ordinary people, my star,
A light so bright it shoots across the world.
Very much about us is as old

Though moon and sun would shine for anyone
To love as I love my sister, no one-
As the greatest and the smallest agree
She is the steadfast heartbeat within me.

The way that every person has a soul
The spirit of my sister is my own.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Walden was a Pond a Pond and a Book

Walden was a Pond a Pond and a Book.
It was written in the Dawn of American Gold.
The Age that ccame and Went without Wit.
I think of it Now, how Whitman was It.
A Daredevil for Sheer Lust Adventure...
Harpy of National Supremacist Views.
Engraved at the Foot of the Twin Towers.
When Lilacs Last Bloomed but bloomed Instead. There.
What Walt did for Mexicans, Place a Boot.
Dario at the Talons of Eage.
America without a God or Thought.
Trascendent, my Sons, Emerson Blind Born.
He hands him the Keys to his Homestead, Go.
Get away from the Hypocrites. Take some Time Off.
There at the Banks of the Turpitude's Prose.
Tried what he Might never have Done. Goes Poof!

Balzac, Zola, and Baudelaire

Balzac, Zola, and Baudelaire look on
The scene not so vast it can’t be too grand
A violin in its case plays a song
It travels from general to specific
From language to thought back on to language
Multiple so the vein of a rubric
Parallels for each note of opinion
Higher than ever expected to cry
Tears full of melody answer the words
Beneath the parchment blue ocean and sky
The music of sound rhythm of the world
Singing of its soul to eternity
Under and between until it has freed
What it is, what it was, what it bleed.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Federico, Pepe, y Clotilde

Federico, Pepe y Clotilde
fuentes brotantes semilla y siembra
eso pa delante que tiene que ver
esperate es tarde no se repetir
caminaban payaseros tintan
enchinan la sombra busca su bien
la pared de la escombra
vuela conoce distincciones, fue,
cabrones cartones destruye en caer
mulen a la inocencia a reir sonreir
plasticas gestos escultos malignos
dan en la vista eco mania ruir
a los ojos de belleza escurren
este de peor poder a suficiencia

Friday, July 24, 2015


The Ivy in the gardens at college
growing in the planters entwined within
sway with the hems of the pedestrians
walking side by side or across the lawns
the music that it makes how when and then
my thoughts as they travel forward again
go back to the same pair of legs and arms
carrying books in the shade of time
where as before they return and assess
the rituals of education less
than the education itself and past
sacrifices that are nothing but blessed
whatever it cost or came without
wanting, it makes me who I am and Not.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

A Flower like a Circle

the flower is a circle made of truth
woven in the leaf parchment alphabet
by an abstract expression of its worth
when beauty was ineffable at first
and stood as itself the pattern of earth
spun from the same light fiber loom like wool
but softer far softer than soft can touch
drawn from liquid crystal dewdrops of dew
and sifted through the wooden green iris
with which light sees itself in its image
beauty is an after-thought adage
the flower is the answer in the dark
when nothing can be seen but the darkness.

Friday, July 3, 2015


string of the moment and pearl of the past
these are the beautiful things that I have
signs of the letters brought to inhabit
the power, the patent, the attachment
linked across two objects of their beauty
which has for its purpose design and joy
movement that is tranquil and rests at will
along the outlines of the roses
invisible to themselves to behold
of lovely form for everybody else
alone in the absence of the other
yet the River of Time that traverses
the shore of my greatest mystery, soul,
destined before the winds begin to blow.